Hackathon Engagement Strategies

Engage, Excite, Innovate With A Hackathon!

Host an Online HackathonHost an Live Hackathon
The process of planning an in-person and virtual hackathon

Running a hackathon? Whether it’s face-to-face or online, getting everyone involved and excited can be a bit of a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got some hackathon engagement strategies for you on how to make your hackathon the place to be by boosting your participants’ motivation. 

The First Interaction

First impressions count, right? Your hackathon’s kickoff is your chance to grab everyone’s attention and get them enthusiastic. A great kickoff can create an immediate connection between participants and the event, creating a sense of community right from the start. If you’re running an online event, get creative to make that virtual space buzz with energy. Kick things off with some fun icebreakers. Ask participants about the little things – where they’re from, what the weather’s like, or what they had for lunch. Sharing a bit about yourself also helps to break the ice. It’s all about making everyone feel connected and showing them you’re all in this together.


Throwing in some mini-challenges throughout your hackathon will spice things up. Imagine that your participants just arrived at the hackathon’s venue and the first interactions are energising and fun. We’re talking “look under your chair and see if there’s a gift waiting for you”, meme creating competitions, paper plane contests or funny theme-based selfies – you name it. These little challenges are not just fun; they get those brain juices flowing and keep everyone on their toes. Plan these, keep the rules simple, and maybe throw in some cool prizes for the winners choosing them based on the participants’ field possible interests, for example, a sector-specific subscription, an Airtag or a Tile can be motivating for most people. It’s all about keeping the vibe lively and encouraging a bit of friendly competition and remember, the key is to keep these challenges short, simple, and conducive to teamwork and collaboration.

Creative Breaks

These breaks are essential for keeping the energy high and minds sharp during a hackathon. Activities like the mini-challenges can stimulate creativity and enhance problem-solving abilities. These breaks are opportunities for participants to recharge and unleash their creative potential meanwhile you have the chance to monitor the hackathon’s overall mood and progress. Engaging in activities known to stimulate the part of the brain that is responsible for innovation and imagination, so during these breaks can make a significant difference in the overall hackathon experience not only by engaging with each other and building a network but also by providing their brain with the catalyst for inspiration.

Mini-challenge overview

Build Your Network

Hackathons are not just about coding; they are also about networking and collaboration. Encouraging participants to start conversations and real-time collaboration with industry specialists and to engage with each other, can open avenues for growth. Strategic networking breaks help participants invest in their professional networks, it’s these connections that can turn a good hackathon into a great one.

What About Online Hackathons?

For online hackathons, building excitement and maintaining engagement can be challenging due to the lack of a physical venue. However, by combining strategies like interactive icebreakers, online mini-challenges and engaging kickoff sessions, organisers can create a sense of community among participants. It’s important to keep the excitement and curiosity flowing, showing participants that you care about their experience and the success of the hackathon. 

By focusing on live updates and social media presence, you can extend the excitement beyond the coding screen. Our tactics include providing live updates, launching challenges, and fostering participant engagement on social media throughout the Hackathon. Remember, this is a very exciting challenge for the participants that they can all be proud of, so any content you create, they will engage with and usually share it proudly. In summary, if you put in the effort and manage to create quality social media content, the event attendees will become self-generated advertisements for your event. 

Project & Account Management

Make It Personal

Every hackathon is different because every group of participants is unique. Tailor your event to fit your crowd. Choose prizes that they’ll love, plan activities that’ll get them talking, create personalised content or atmosphere and maybe even create fuzz on social media. It’s about creating an experience that they’ll remember. These few simple strategies make your hackathon a hit, whether you’re gathering in person or connecting online, these tips can help keep everyone engaged, inspired, and ready to innovate.

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