Italy CodeWeek Hackathon 2023

Italy CodeWeek Hackathon 2023

European Commission hackathon

Hackathon Officially Over

Italy CodeWeek Hackathon 2023

Italy Code Week Hackathon 2023 comes within the framework of EU Code Week. 

EU Code Week is a grass-roots movement that celebrates creativity, problem-solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities. The idea is to make programming more visible, to show young, adults and the elderly how you bring ideas to life with code, to demystify these skills and bring motivated people together to learn.

Italy is one of six selected countries for the Code Week Hackathon 2023.

The theme of this year is Code to problem-solve and give life to your dreams’. Under this theme, you will propose a solution to our country’s challenges for the education system, tourism, transportation and other sectors. Also, feel free to work your free idea as a solution that you think will help our community.

Who can apply & how?

The Hackathon is open to individuals with a specific emphasis on STEM, computer science, design, engineering, ICT, and other related fields. Teams should consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 6 persons. Participating teams are highly encouraged to ensure gender balance thus promoting girls’ participation in the Hackathon. To the extent possible, the teams should encompass both technical and functional competencies.

Apply if you

  • are passionate about technology and innovation for positive social, economic, and environmental impact
  • would like to promote access to safe digital information and content that protects minors, respects data privacy, and contributes to the well-being of people and the environment
  • are in a team of motivated people and would like to further develop your idea that contributes to sustainable development
  • understand and can create solutions that are intrinsically useful and appealing to a wider community

How to apply

As a team (between 5-6 participants; gender balance would be ideal)

NOTE that you can also apply individually (to get matched with an existing team that wishes your support over the course of the Hackathon).


Team ages: 15-19 years old. Each team should have at least one developer, one UX designer and one pitcher

Why should you participate?

Your solution can help improve goods and services, the education system, tourism, transportation and other sectors.

Your ideas can make a difference and help towards achieving safety for all in digital space. 

You can contribute to mitigating climate change and building a sustainable environment.


Cesna Logo

Cesena Lab,  incubator and accelerator of innovative enterprises, will provide the winners with the following video call services

  • study and analysis of target customers
  • business model study
  • go-to-market strategy
  • digital marketing and social media marketing
  • support in presenting the main portals for European, national and regional calls for proposals and funding


Albania CodeWeek Hackathon 2023

Italy CodeWeek Challenge!

During the hackathon, teams will analyse the proposed challenge, design and prototype a technology-powered solution addressing it and then pitch it to a jury of experts. There will be mentors on call to assist the teams and guest speakers to guide design and presentation skills.

Winners announcement

 EcoDream Team – EcoTrip

 ERROR 404: TEAM NAME NOT FOUND Team – TheGreenWay

 The school of dreams Team – School Of Sustainability


8 September

✅ Registration

30 September

⭕ Registrations closed

2 October

▶️ Launch of the Virtual Hackathon

2 October

🚩 Deliverable 1 / Risultato finale 1

2 October

🚩 Deliverable 2 / Risultato finale 2

3 October

🚩 Deliverable 3 / Risultato finale 3

3 October

🚩 Deliverable 4 / Risultato finale 4

3 October

👩‍⚖️ Evaluation

3 October

🥇🥈🥉 Winners announced


Book an appointment without pressure today and let’s start organizing your event today!